I specialize in writing stellar copy for small business clients to help attract their ideal customers.

What: Website Copy, Email Content, Blog Content
Client: Golden Star Sleep Consulting
Alicia was an emerging child sleep consultant who needed eye-catching copy for her brand new website. I worked with her to create written works of art for each of the pages on her website and assisted in developing a slogan. You can view her website here.
What: Website Copy
Client: Craftsman's Pride Home Exteriors
Lester was launching his first website for his small home renovations business. I provided most of the written content for his site. His goal was a simple site with a general overview of his services and some client reviews. You can view his website here.

What: Writing Course Creation & Facilitation
Client: Team Work Cooperative
For the Team Work Cooperative, I single-handedly developed and delivered a 2 hour course to help small business owners learn how to write effective marketing copy. The session was a great success and will be presented again to their next cohort. Learn more about the Team Work Cooperative here.